Wednesday 13 February 2013

Thoughts (Continuation)

I lay silently in my grave,
And feel the slow, cool, wave,
It tells me its time to wait,
But I want to know my fate,
Trembling, I get up to bid a final goodbye,
And I see the tree, which no more feels shy,
It’s dancing with the breeze,
And I, here, wait to end my lease,
Everything’s shining in the orange sky,
Everything’s moving and looks alive,
I think, there are a lot miseries and pain,
But is it just to live or an experience to gain?
This question keeps revolving in my head,
And reminds me of my cozy, warm bed.
I realize I’m alive and breathing,
And it was the time worth living,
“I can live a dreading days, I say,
For this moment to come when everything’s gay”,
Is it really the absolute pain?
Or is it all the part of the game?
My mind keeps thinking,
And my eyes start blinking,
I am living this moment
And it is present of the present,
“Thy gift makes me feel alive,
And I know something about life,
Life is indeed a vicious circle,
With ups and downs as a hurdle.
Life is about living and not dying,
And that perfect moment, flying,
High in the air and up in the sky,
Deep inside the ocean and the lands that are dry.
“Oh Lord! Thou maketh the absolute heaven,
With sun shone and the winds driven”,
Suddenly, I hear a faint noise,
I’m not alone, I realize……..

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