Wednesday 13 February 2013


Another day, another night,
And all I do is fight,
With the darkness in me,
And someday hope to be free,
Those words were the last,
Like a bomb just blast,
Trying to heal it ever since,
I forgot I was a prince,
Now that it’s all gone,
Days since the last sun shone,
Praying for it to be all right,
Opening my eyes always gives me a fright,
I wonder if I could take it all from you,
If not all then maybe just a few,
Those are the ones that make me cry,
Left out my pillow in the sun to dry,
“Thou maketh me live so I call upon Thee,
For Thy love is only what I see”
Past goes the night- I’m awake,
Finding myself in me and that’s when I break,
This last prayer must be answered,
Don’t let it go unanswered and abjured…..

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