Wednesday 13 February 2013

Thoughts (Continuation)

I lay silently in my grave,
And feel the slow, cool, wave,
It tells me its time to wait,
But I want to know my fate,
Trembling, I get up to bid a final goodbye,
And I see the tree, which no more feels shy,
It’s dancing with the breeze,
And I, here, wait to end my lease,
Everything’s shining in the orange sky,
Everything’s moving and looks alive,
I think, there are a lot miseries and pain,
But is it just to live or an experience to gain?
This question keeps revolving in my head,
And reminds me of my cozy, warm bed.
I realize I’m alive and breathing,
And it was the time worth living,
“I can live a dreading days, I say,
For this moment to come when everything’s gay”,
Is it really the absolute pain?
Or is it all the part of the game?
My mind keeps thinking,
And my eyes start blinking,
I am living this moment
And it is present of the present,
“Thy gift makes me feel alive,
And I know something about life,
Life is indeed a vicious circle,
With ups and downs as a hurdle.
Life is about living and not dying,
And that perfect moment, flying,
High in the air and up in the sky,
Deep inside the ocean and the lands that are dry.
“Oh Lord! Thou maketh the absolute heaven,
With sun shone and the winds driven”,
Suddenly, I hear a faint noise,
I’m not alone, I realize……..


Another day, another night,
And all I do is fight,
With the darkness in me,
And someday hope to be free,
Those words were the last,
Like a bomb just blast,
Trying to heal it ever since,
I forgot I was a prince,
Now that it’s all gone,
Days since the last sun shone,
Praying for it to be all right,
Opening my eyes always gives me a fright,
I wonder if I could take it all from you,
If not all then maybe just a few,
Those are the ones that make me cry,
Left out my pillow in the sun to dry,
“Thou maketh me live so I call upon Thee,
For Thy love is only what I see”
Past goes the night- I’m awake,
Finding myself in me and that’s when I break,
This last prayer must be answered,
Don’t let it go unanswered and abjured…..


Laughed, cried, ditched and lied,
The  emotions all dried,
Deep down inside I know,
Aiming with a bow,
Can’t see where,
Sometimes here and sometimes there,
Are those my eyes or is it fog?
Standing in the middle of the bog,
Trying to hit – and here goes one!
And still nothing undone..!!
Its all the same the way it was,
Not making a big fuss,
Suddenly everything starts growing,
And I get to my boat and start rowing,
It’s stuck!! I can’t move at all,
Move it, here comes nightfall,
It goes dark and misty,
Even with water all around, I’m still thirsty,
Suddenly saw a faint light,
Coming near and becoming bright,
Comes even more near,
And I’m all white with fear,
With the light growing brighter,
And the boat’s getting lighter,
I don’t know what was happening,
I pinched to see if was dreaming,
And no! I was not,
Picked up the oar and stood like a bot,
And the light just faded away,
Afraid, I sat down to pray,
I thought I had dodged it,
But it was somewhere and I could still feet it,
I shouldn’t be alive,
I’m still dying no matter how much I thrive,
Now with the light gone I felt safe,
I was suddenly frozen by a cold wave,
Honestly, I was allured by the absence of light,
Yes this was the darkness in my life,
It occurred to me that I’m flying,
Was happy that I’m not dying,
Someone called me with a faint voice,
And there was a man who asked my choice,
I chose darkness for that’s what I liked,
And that was when I hitchhiked,
Reached a dark place with nothing all around,
Could see and feel nothing- not even the ground,
And the ground started cracking,
With panic all around and all wrecking,
And that was when I realized,
For I wouldn’t have been more surprised,
That light was Him showing me the way,
But I was too busy in my own sweet play,
Started running and looking for a way to get out,
There was nothing, no grass- not even a sprout,
Everything was dead and silent,
And the cracking became even more violent,
I knew I’d die- for that’s what I chose,
And my eyes couldn’t believe- it was a red rose!
In the garden if darkness found a new life,
That was something I was looking for- strife!
With my mind now all blank,
Couldn’t imagine me becoming a crank!
Plucked the flower – ohh no!
Everything stopped and flower started to glow,
After such a long time, I could see,
“I apologize and I thank Thee”
And He came right in front of me,
With the rose in my hand, I bent on my knee,
“This rose is your life, keep it safe”, He said,
For He saved me or I’d be dead,
Took the rose and kept it safe,
For it was the thing that saved me from the strafe,
He touched me on my head,
“You’re safe now my son, go home”, he said,
I closed my eyes and touched his feet,
Opened my eyes and realized that I’d been asleep!!
Was I dreaming? Or was it reality?
In just one blink I could still feel the brutality,
I searched my pocket and found the rose!
Thought, accept the light or the darkness grows!
So my friend doing anything right is commendable,
But choosing something wrong is reprehensible..!!!!