Wednesday 7 March 2012

The most difficult thing for an artist is drawing that first line or writing that first statement. I guess it’s the same with me where I have had ideas but the first statement to be written is the most difficult one. But nevertheless, crossed those interferences in my mind blocking my work.  Is something common to everyone. First love. As always, it has to be in a poetic form.

I was reminded of it then,
Couldn’t recall what really was it then,
We were kids and had no clue,
The skies always seemed blue,
There she came- making an appearance,
And the angels began to dance,
she was looking at my friend, smiling,
and I could feel my blood boiling,
finally she came in,
and I kept on lookin’,
for she would look back at least,
but no- for she was enjoyin the feast,
did I make her conscious,
looked at myself and it was obvious,
I was looking like a bloody beast,
banged the desk with my fist,
didn’t feel the pain then,
for I was busy lookin at the new hen,
well, it was time to go home,
man, the day was all gone,
rushed home and started getting ready for the next day,
for the first time went to Him, to pray,
Dear Lord, I’ll study well and do good,
Make sure she looks at me and make me shrewd,
All set for the plan,
Went to join the clan,
Everything went pretty planned,
but she did not give me a glance,
days went by and exams came,
man, it wasn’t my game,
surprisingly passed,
moved to the next class- fingers crossed,
the same happened the next year,
and yet another class clear,
days passed by without victory,
but everyday was the same story,
one fine day gathered all my strength,
for it was something I had to end,
told her everything I had in stock,
and the reply was,” there’s no reason for us to talk”,
all broken down,
felt like a clown,
had lunch and then planned again,
all filled with remorse and pain,
but did not have the strength to utter a word,
I just wished I could have been a bird,
Fly high and high and high,
Sit on the clouds and cry,
But that was unreal,
So what’d the deal,
This year went in vain,
The next came with some additional pain,
She was leaving school,
This was not at all cool,
Her dad was transferred,
I guess I was destined to be suffered,
But had the courage of walking up to her and say,
Teary eyes and all I could say was,”Hey!!”
And then something came to me,
Why am I doing this, just let it be,
Life doesn’t end here,
There’s nothing to fear,
Her friend’s nice too,
And her eyes are blue,
I can’t do that, she’s the one,
Said to myself,” Dude, She’s gone”,
And I just let it go,
And she still has the glow,
Its just me that has changed,
But man, I’m not deranged,
I am happy with what He gave,
There’s nothing now for which I crave,
Nothing has been hampered,
Tell her to stay being my password.

I know this might not be that great, but its something I wrote, so I like it…..hope u all like it too……

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